We are proud to announce that our website is now accessible to all prospective members of APN. Current features that we have rolled out include the membership and event registration pages, in addition to articles that detail updates about our members, general network announcements, and notifications about new events.
Over the course of the coming months, APN will keep you updated via email on the rollout of new features to the site including the member directory, job posting and project posting functionality, activity forum, member group pages, and much more.
SOCIAL MEDIA: APN is now active on social media. Make sure to give us a follow! You can also access our social media pages through the upper right corner of the website or through the Contact Us page.
Join us for our first IN-PERSON event!
APN is excited to be hosting our first event at Printers Alley on Tuesday, April 12th from 6:30-8:30pm. Check out the Events page to register or click the photo below.
Prospective members can now register to become an official part of the Accelerated Professionals Network. Membership will be on a tiered system, so make sure to register for the correct one! All details are on the Membership page. Feel free to contact Cara with any questions.
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